Market trends

Asia’s skin whitening market is often misunderstood

Asia’s skin whitening market is often misunderstood


The skin whitening market in Asia is a booming one but it is also one that can be misunderstood, particularly in the West or where cultural, social, and physiological behaviour is different.

Croda rebrands hair conditioning active to Kerestore 2.0

Croda rebrands hair conditioning active to Kerestore 2.0


Croda is rebranding it Keramimic 2.0 ingredient to Kerestore 2.0 to better position it in the market and highlight the use and benefits of its unique biomimetic keratin, and provide a greater individual identity within the marketplace.

Multifunctional colour cosmetics - are you up to date?

Multifunctional colour cosmetics - are you up to date?

By Michelle Yeomans

While the 'alphabet cream craze' undoubtedly epitomizes multi-functionality; BB, CC, and DD creams are just the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, Cosmetics Design has dedicated a forum to keep the industry up to date with the latest challenges...

Moisturised and exfoliated skin best to prevent ingrown hairs

Moisturised and exfoliated skin best to prevent ingrown hairs


Keeping skin moisturised and exfoliated promotes hair growth in the right direction and nurtures the follicles helping to treat and prevent ingrown hairs or ‘razor bumps’, according to a certified dermatologist.

Workout, sweat, no shower..? No need, says skin wipe launching in UK

Workout, sweat, no shower..? No need, says skin wipe launching in UK


A new product launching in the UK by Mio Skincare promises the ultimate on-the-go product whereby you can look after your skin, freshen up, but not need to worry about the time-consuming hassle of a shower, with its Clean Slate Workout wipes.

Africa flagged to be the next male grooming market

Datamonitor Comment

Africa flagged to be the next male grooming market

By Michelle Yeomans

As global cosmetic brands rush to tailor products to meet consumers’ needs in Africa; Datamonitor Consumer says there is an emerging audience that cosmetics firms should pay attention to – black African men.

New opportunities arise in catering to the 'manopausal' man

New opportunities arise in catering to the 'manopausal' man

By Michelle Yeomans

'Manopause' refers to the declining testosterone levels in men from early middle age, resulting in lower energy and reduced strength and endurance. A segment personal care brands can tap into by addressing appearance issues.

Organic Standards – just how relevant are they?

Exclusive Debate

Organic Standards – just how relevant are they?


There has been much debate recently over the use of organic standards and what effect this has on the cosmetics and personal care industry, with some for and some against. Here we ask two experts to provide their view…

Digital #beauty20 Awards opens doors for nominations!

Digital #beauty20 Awards opens doors for nominations!

By Michelle Yeomans

Organisers of the event that recognises beauty brands efforts on the digital platform have opened the floor up to nominations for companies that have significantly invested in digital marketing throughout the year.

A new deodorant that may be smarter than you..

Datamonitor Innovation Highlights

A new deodorant that may be smarter than you..

By Michelle Yeomans

The world's first “smart deodorant” has been developed in electric form, according to Datamonitor. With the help of a mobile app, 'ClickStick' can calculate the right amount of gel deodorant needed – based on personal needs and activity...

Brits worried about skin care but are not doing much about it

Brits worried about skin care but are not doing much about it


It appears that UK consumers are concerned about skin ageing, but this is not reflected in their behaviour as few have adopted a daily routine; and this could be down to brands not connecting with the majority of people who are most interested in their...

Millennial generation engage more and they want to prevent ageing

Millennial generation engage more and they want to prevent ageing


The growing influence from the millennial generation means that beauty care players need to ensure they are engaging people to deliver a unique experience. With this in mind, spoke with Verna Talcott at Dow Corning to discuss...

Editor’s Pick: the top articles of 2014

Editor’s Pick: the top articles of 2014

By Michelle Yeomans

There is no doubt that 2014 was another exciting year in the cosmetics industry with much happening, and here we select our top stories of the last 12 months, touching on some of the hottest topics in EMEA.

'Twas the year for skin care, but not for sun care

'Twas the year for skin care, but not for sun care


As the Holiday season is upon us and we wave goodbye to another year (where did the time go?!) it is time to reflect on what happened in the industry and pick out the success stories and the underperformers.

European convenience packaging has its' finger on the pulse

European convenience packaging has its' finger on the pulse

By Michelle Yeomans

According to market researcher Ceresana, convenience packaging is ripe in Europe and the use of composite films in particular is allowing for a further reduction of weight, saving resources and transport costs. 

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