Regulation & safety

EC and ECHA announce clarity on REACH and the Cosmetics Regulation

EC and ECHA announce clarity on REACH and the Cosmetics Regulation


The European Commission, in cooperation with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), has clarified the relationship between the marketing ban and the REACH information requirements after there was confusion over whether animal testing can take place.

Clarity still needed for EU Cosmetics Regulation

Clarity still needed for EU Cosmetics Regulation


While the aim of the EU Cosmetics Regulation that came into play last year was to harmonise the current laws, and in the most part it has, there are still some issues that need to be ironed out.

SCCS rules concentration of 10% for UV filter in sunscreens

SCCS rules concentration of 10% for UV filter in sunscreens

By Michelle Yeomans

The Scientific Committee for Consumer Safety has ruled UV filter 1,1'-(1,4-piperazinediyl)bis[1-[2-[4-(diethylamino)-2-hydroxybenzoyl]phenyl]-methanone (HAA299), safe at a concentration of up to 10% in sunscreen products. 

Slack-fill: How much is too much?

Slack-fill: How much is too much?

By Simon Pitman

A recent lawsuit in California brought against a cosmetics brand for slack-fill highlights the pitfall this area presents. Lawyer to the cosmetics industry, Angela Diesch, points out how to avoid this potentially expensive mistake.

Spike in false advertising legal challenges to the cosmetics industry

Spike in false advertising legal challenges to the cosmetics industry

By Naomi Igra, Amy Lally and Robin Wechkin of Sidley Austin LLP

Companies across the country have been defending themselves against consumer class actions challenging advertising for cosmetics, report three leading law experts from the practice Sidley Austin LLP.   

Unilever backs up Dove soap ad after questioning

Unilever backs up Dove soap ad after questioning


Unilever holds its head high after winning an ad battle over its Dove soap after it had dryness claims questioned, and the Advertising Standards authority ruled in its favour.

Unilever recalls roll-on deos in Belgium due to contamination

Product Recall

Unilever recalls roll-on deos in Belgium due to contamination


Unilever has had its Belgian subsidiary recall 50ml bottles of its Neutral Roll-on deodorant after it discovered bacteria in samples of the deodorant it tested, which could affect vulnerable people both young and old.

No European cosmetics concern over exposure to phthalates

No European cosmetics concern over exposure to phthalates


After a US study claimed that if children are exposed to certain phthalates while still in the womb, it could increase their risk of developing asthma; experts in Europe have moved to reiterate the safety of cosmetics products in Europe.

Bootea promotes a range of teas on its website

Health claims law trips up tea firm

By Rod Addy

A company promoting healthy teas has been slammed by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) after falling foul of the EU's nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR).

Friends of the Earth extends 'ToxFox' app

Friends of the Earth extends 'ToxFox' app

By Michelle Yeomans

The German NGO has extended its mobile app, ToxFox to android devices after a successful launch which allows users to check cosmetics for EDCs.

BfR rules microparticle health risk as 'unlikely'

BfR rules microparticle health risk as 'unlikely'

By Michelle Yeomans

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has looked into whether a dermal or accidental oral uptake of PE-micro plastic particles from cosmetics pose, and concluded a health risk unlikely. 

German BfR forum to focus on aluminium health risks

German BfR forum to focus on aluminium health risks

By Michelle Yeomans

The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is hosting its’ 15th Consumer Protection Forum which is set to focus on the health risks of aluminium present in deodorants.

EC report further reveals cosmetic focus from TTIP negotiations

EC report further reveals cosmetic focus from TTIP negotiations

By Michelle Yeomans

The European Commission has published an official report from the sixth round of TTIP negotiations which reveals the EU and US to be proceeding with prioritising chemicals for assessment, and other classification and labeling.  

The ‘global beauty consumer’ driving regulation alignment

The ‘global beauty consumer’ driving regulation alignment

By Lucy Whitehouse

The head of the Canadian Cosmetics, Toiletry and Fragrance Association (CCTFA), Darren Praznik, has spoken of the increasing need for international regulatory alignment in the face of the rising ‘global consumer’. 

Bucchini: “This is the first official blessing of​ beauty claims I am aware of...

Bella! EC backs beauty health claims; must be judged case-by-case


Beauty claims are permissible under the EU nutrition and health claim regulation (NHCR) a European Commission committee has said in what an analyst says is a “first blessing” the EC may have taken from Italy’s stance on the matter.

SCCS rules on more hair dye ingredients

SCCS rules on more hair dye ingredients

By Michelle Yeomans

The European Commission's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety has published opinions on 3-amino-2,6-dimethylphenol; hydroxyethoxy aminopyrazolopyridine HCl; and Basic Brown 17.

Update: EC wraps up EDC review

Update: EC wraps up EDC review

By Michelle Yeomans

The European Commission has implied in a recent review paper that it has concluded ensuring that REACH covers the assessment of EDCs.

Cosmetics Europe: EU industry must address nano perception

Cosmetics Europe: EU industry must address nano perception

By Michelle Yeomans

At the Cosmetics Europe General Assembly, the EC’s deputy director general for consumers urged the industry to think about how nanotechnology is being presented to the consumer that already perceives nanomaterials as ‘inherently problematic’.

TTIP US - EU trade talks look positive

EU-US trade talks look positive, and cosmetics is on the agenda


The European Commission will host a sixth round of EU-US trade talks next month on a new trade and investment deal, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP; and the outlook is positive as Europe is in a strong position.

Progress on EDC issue to be published

Progress on EDC issue to be published "in the coming days"

By Michelle Yeomans

In response to a note on June 12th that stressed the need to act at European level “to prevent risks and limit exposure" to EDCs, the EU Environment Commissioner says a public consultation will be published "in the coming days". 

Could a microbead ban be coming to Europe?

Could a microbead ban be coming to Europe?

By Lucy Whitehouse

Following on from bans across the US on the tiny plastic particles in personal care goods, recent pledges from brands in Europe to remove microbeads from products suggests companies are keen to pre-empt any comparable ban on the continent.

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