Formulation & science

Pterostilbene prevents UV skin damage

Study shows blueberry anti-oxidant prevents UV damage


A stilbenoid found in blueberries and grapes may have the capacity to prevent several types of UV-mediated damage, reddening of the skin and loss of skin barrier function when applied topically.

Dow Corning develops new PEG-free W/O emulsifier

Dow Corning develops new PEG-free W/O emulsifier


Dow Corning claims that its new water-in-oil emulsifier provides expanded options for formulating stable PEG-free water-in-oil and water-in-silicone emulsions, for use in the cosmetics industry.

Enzyme ‘Google’ to discover new possible reaction pathways

Enzyme ‘Google’ to discover new possible reaction pathways


The Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) and the University of Graz have teamed up to develop a combination of database and search engine that can filter enzyme functions out of the thousands of protein structures used in the chemical, cosmetic...

Artificial micro-humans could spell the end of animal testing

Artificial micro-humans could spell the end of animal testing


Germany-based company TissUse has showcased its new artificial micro-human platform which enables the testing of drugs or chemicals on a set of miniaturized human organs emulating the biology of the human organism at the smallest possible biological scale.

Sun-kissed skin through eating fruit and veg

Sun-kissed skin through eating fruit and veg


A new study into facial attractiveness has found that skin colouration is an important factor and that carotenoid colouration through the ingestion of fruit and vegetables may give the best appearance.

Could taurine be the key to energised personal care?

Could taurine be the key to energised personal care?

By Simon Pitman

Energised toothpaste, shampoo and skin care could be the next big thing for personal care consumers in the UK, as a new market report pinpoints consumers’ search for something new as a morning booster.

Could antiperspirant be making matters worse?

Could antiperspirant be making matters worse?

By Simon Pitman

New research by a team of scientists in Belgium may suggest that using antiperspirant on a regular basis could actually contribute to underarm body odour.

The secret to anti-ageing could be in skin sugars

The secret to anti-ageing could be in skin sugars


Glycans, which are sugars on the surface of cells, might hold the secret to ageing of the skin which bodes well for skin creams being developed, but more research needs to be done if it is to become a market-leading strategy.

Stress could worsen skin’s appearance

Stress could worsen skin’s appearance


Feeling pampered and relaxed could be the key to healthy skin as an inflammatory skin condition or a breakout of spots or a rash could worsen or be caused by high levels of stress.

Scientists develop sunscreen from cod fish bones

Something fishy? No, it’s just sunscreen


After eating a nice piece of fish, few of us would think of using the leftovers as the basis for an effective sunscreen but that is the basis of some new research coming out of Portugal.

Stem cells hold key to hair regrowth

Stem cells hold key to hair regrowth


Stem cells could hold the key to telling hair follicles to grow after US researchers found that Transit-Amplifying Cells emit a signal that tells quiet hair follicle stem cells to become active.

Beiersdorf Research: Consumer demand dictates skin science

Beiersdorf Research: Consumer demand dictates skin science


In an exclusive interview with, Horst Wenck, corporate vice president of R&D at Beiersdorf, says that it is important to carry out advanced skin science research but that it needs to be in line with what the consumer demands.

European masterclass to focus on green formulations

European masterclass to focus on green formulations

By Michelle Yeomans

Following on from the success of the first ever US version last year, a new masterclass organised by Organic Monitor aims to promote the use of green ingredients in personal care applications.

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