Trichocare Diagnostics readies hair dye allergy test
UK-based Trichocare Diagnotics says it has applied for marketing authorisation for the sale of its Colourstart hair dye allergy test as a medical product.
News & Analysis on Cosmetics Innovation
UK-based Trichocare Diagnotics says it has applied for marketing authorisation for the sale of its Colourstart hair dye allergy test as a medical product.
The Switzerland-based tube provider is appointing a new environmental manager in order to help the company provide the ‘green tubes’ its customers are demanding.
Packaging company Gerresheimer has seen an improvement in its cosmetics operations during the second quarter 2010, as well as growth on the pharmaceutical side.
As nanotechnology for personal care applications continues to grow, a recent study shows that big companies not often associated with the segment are getting involved.