Active beauty & nutricosmetics

FoodNavigator to co-host the inaugural Global CBD Summit

Demystifying hemp and cannabidiol: Introducing the CBD Global Summit

By Katy Askew

CBD has caught the public's imagination as an ingredient offering a host of potential health benefits. But for all the hype, CBD also courts controversy. To move from a trending ingredient to an ingredient trend, the sector will need to address some...

Probiotics can treat psoriasis, shows new clinical data from ADM

Probiotics can treat psoriasis, shows new clinical data from ADM

By Deanna Utroske

The agricultural processing company has completed a clinical study, recently accepted for publication in the international peer-reviewed journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica (which covers the fields of dermatology and venereology) that shows ingestible...

Hemp oil vs. CBD for anti-inflammatory skin care: Study

By Kacey Culliney

The anti-inflammatory effects of hemp oil (Cannabis sativa L.) and CBD powder (cannabidiol) have been compared, throwing up interesting findings for potential use in skin diseases, say researchers.

Top launches and trends of 2018: expert insights

Guest article

Top launches and trends of 2018: expert insights

By Belinda Carli, Director, Institute of Personal Care Science

We get the top ingredients launches and trends of 2018 picked out by Belinda Carli, Director of the Institute of Personal Care Science.

Edible Beauty: pills, tonics, teas, skin care, and cosmetics

Natural & Organic Labelling Special Edition

Edible Beauty: pills, tonics, teas, skin care, and cosmetics

By Deanna Utroske

Today’s personal care consumer believes that the body, effectively, eats whatever comes into contact with the skin. And this means that the quality and origin of skin care, hair care, fragrance, and beauty ingredients are all the more significant. Edible...