White Paper

FucoSkin®: Ocean-Inspired Sustainable Beauty

Format: PDF file | Document type: White Paper | Promoted Content

This content is provided by Hi-Q Marine Biotech International Ltd, and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com

FucoSkin®: Ocean-Inspired Sustainable Beauty

Related categories: Skin care Hair care Nutricosmetics

FucoSkin®​ is a fucoidan-rich extract derived from the brown seaweed Laminaria Japonica, known for its excellent anti-aging and photoprotective benefits. Clinically tested, FucoSkin® delivers all-rounded skincare solutions by harnessing the power of nature.

In support of the Blue Economy, Hi-Q partners with small seaweed farmers to champion sun-kissed craftsmanship, traceability, and sustainability. Our commitment to excellence, quality and sustainability are fully integrated into our value chain, from harvest to becoming a key ingredient in skincare products.

Explore our FucoSkin®​ series and our ingestible beauty solution OliFuco®​.

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