Boots UK on challenges and innovation for sustainability

Sustainability continues to be a lead issue on the beauty industry agenda. We spoke to Boots UK about why it’s essential to get right.

Andrew Jenkins, Sustainability Transformation & Innovation Manager, explained why Boots UK is taking a keen interest in meeting rising consumer demand for sustainability,. This is part 2 of the interview; find part one here.

Jenkins spoke to us on sustainability ahead of her presentation on the topic at this year’s European Sustainable Cosmetics Summit, organised by Ecovia Intelligence in Paris in November.

Are there any new challenges emerging when it comes to sustainability? Do you foresee any emerging in the coming period?

Increasingly globalised supply chains and diverse markets add to the complexity of managing and gathering the data necessary to manage sustainable supply chains.

At the same time, pressure on resources due to growing populations and consumption are increasing risks from deforestation, resource scarcity and climate change

Are there any interesting/exciting innovations that facilitate sustainability?

Workers in sustainability are increasingly taking a systems thinking approach considering the effects of change on the whole production and consumption system.

From this, novel collaborations are developing to join actors in different markets to develop solutions that deliver overall benefit. For example, considering the idea of the “Circular bathroom” to understand all material inputs and waste outputs in a bathroom setting rather than individual products.

New information systems such as the “blockchain” are worth following to understand possible benefits in gathering the large amounts of data necessary for traceability and transparency

Do you have any top tips for working sustainably on a global scale?

Working at global scale requires a big investment in engagement at all levels of the supply chain and with external stakeholders, plus understanding local differences in needs and level of understanding of the issues.