Using its BeautyQoL tool, which was originally supported by L'Oréal Research & Innovation, the Geneva-based company has worked with dermatologists, plastic surgeons, evaluation specialists and mathematicians, to establish the humanistic benefits of improving quality of life and overall well-being related to physical appearance.
The BeautyQoL instrument, is composed of 42 questions covering different aspects related to Quality of Life and has been validated in 16 languages and 13 countries.
It is not only specific to cosmetic products and physical appearance, but also to other variations in Quality of Life, no matter how small, brought about by the use of cosmetic and beauty care products, or changes in the physical appearance following aesthetic interventions.
“The BeautyQoL questionnaire is the only existing instrument in the world specifically built to discriminate small differences of Quality of Life cross-culturally, relevant to cosmetics and physical appearance, thus providing the most robust tool for scientific and market research applications in cosmetology,” says Dr Ariel Beresniak, CEO of Data Mining International.
The questionnaire measures the improvement in quality of life related to physical appearance, and the research team behind it says that its potential applications are wide-ranging, including for valuing and differentiating cosmetic and beauty care products, as well as other dermatological treatments and anti-ageing interventions.
At present, it is being used in various studies promoted either by cosmetic and beauty care industry or by academic research organizations.
Relevant tools
In a society valuing youth, health, aesthetics, and well-being, cosmetic skin or hair care products have gained huge popularity.
Considering that the market is very competitive and constantly changing, establishing the value of innovative cosmetic care products, including their benefits on well-being, has become increasingly relevant, according to DMI.
“The use of scientifically valid assessment instruments, such as the BeautyQol questionnaire, will provide clear advantages for generating robust results, and for differentiating one product over another, or one physical appearance status over another,” says the research firm.
“Such research not only establishes the benefits of cosmetic interventions on QoL, but also appears pivotal in the development of future innovations in the field for the benefit of consumers and society.”