Consumer awareness the catalyst as European sun care shines

An increase in consumer awareness to the importance of sun protection is aiding a boost in use of sun care products in Europe, with Spanish consumers amongst the most sensible.

According to the latest research from Mintel Beauty & Personal Care, in the big five European countries, almost half of consumers use sunscreen when spending a whole day out in the sun and three in ten use it to prevent premature skin ageing.

Despite tanned skin still seen as healthy and attractive, the market researcher states that there are now a large number of sun-conscious consumers  concerned about the damaging effects of the sun on their skin.

Spain the pick of the bunch

Spanish consumers are among the most sensible about sun care in Europe, with half of them using sunscreen to avoid the risk of burning or developing cancer, the highest percentage within the countries analysed.

One in five consumers in Spain use sunscreen to avoid tanning altogether, more than twice the average for the UK (8 per cent), France (7 per cent), Italy (6 per cent), and Germany (4 per cent).

“Greater media coverage and health education programmes are helping to improve consumer awareness regarding the dangers of too much sun,” said Nica Lewis, global Skin care analyst at Mintel.

“As awareness grows of overexposure to the sun’s UV rays, more consumers across Europe are taking extra care by using sun protection products when they are out in the sun, and not just when they are on their holidays.”

Other trends

Anti-oxidant claims in sun protection are another growing trend identified by Mintel. According to its GNPD, 30 per cent of new sun care products launched in the Big 5 last year promoted antioxidant benefits, a 36 per cent increase in only one year reflecting brands' strategy to meet consumers’ desire for fighting premature ageing.

The GNPD also shows an increase in facial care launches with UV protection, and in France alone there was a 43 per cent jump in the number of new face creams with SPF between 2011 and 2010.

"This reflects further sun savvy as consumers incorporate sun protection into their every day skincare routine," Lewis added.

France remains the largest market for sun care products, with €401 million market value in 2011. Italy follows with €366m, the UK with €280m, Germany €191m, and Spain with €144m, although solid growth is expected in this competitive market.