Beraca announces its five-year sustainability plan

Brazil-based Beraca has outlined its sustainability plan, in keeping to the aim of consolidating and improving the practices of sustainable use and supply of ingredients from biodiversity, for the next five years.

As a member of the UEBT, Brazilian cosmetics company Beraca, committed to its sustainable practices and goals, has outlined them in the latest company report.

A few of the targets include,

  • Improving the formalisation of trade relations and procedures for raw materials’ procurement
  • Raising awareness of the suppliers on environmental legislation, an emphasis on maintaining the reserve, permanent preservation areas, wildlife
  • Identifying existing programs and resources for reforestation of oilseeds species
  • And monitoring the effectiveness and continuity of the various actions taken.

As a member of the UEBT, the company must be committed to principles such as biodiversity conservation, respect for traditional knowledge and equitable sharing of benefits throughout the supply chain.

Biodiversity barometer

Sustainability as a hot topic has permeated all aspects of the cosmetics and personal care industry, generating noise and driving changes, which can be seen with Beraca’s sustainability report.

This year the Union of Ethical Bio-Trade (UEBT) released its latest Biodiversity Barometer and found that despite much discussion and changes being made, many consumers are still highly mistrustful of companies with regards to sustainable practices.

The majority of respondents said they were much more likely to trust a company if its practices had been verified by an independent third party, with less than half saying they currently trusted cosmetics companies.

Almost 90 per cent of the respondents said they wanted to know more about cosmetics companies’ sourcing practices, whilst 84 per cent said they would stop buying products if they knew the brand did not respect the environment or ethical trading practices.