Maesa looks to strengthen packaging in 2010

Contract manufacturer and packaging supplier Maesa will be concentrating on strengthening its packaging business in 2010 with a special focus on luxury and beauty brands.

The France-headquartered company has strong hopes for the coming year as certain features of the current climate could stand it in good stead, it explained at a recent press conference.

In today’s economic climate, private label and own brands are increasingly strong in the marketplace. This, in addition to the growing tendency of luxury and beauty brands to turn towards outsourcing as a solution for their manufacturing and packaging needs, puts Maesa in a solid position.

In addition, the company said that a number of potential synergies between divisions will be exploited throughout the year, particular in the luxury sector, which will also help develop the business in 2010.

Although results for 2009 financial year will not be released until March, the company has estimated that the figure will be around €60m, and the aim is to reach €100m by 2011.

Packaging focus

One focus of the coming year will be continuing to strengthen the company’s packaging division.

Although Maesa dealt in packaging prior to 2008, the business sector was given a significant boost by the creation of a separate division in September of that year, headed up by Nathalie Bringant

In early 2009, the company acquired the US-based packaging provider Zorbit Resources which specialises in beauty and luxury packaging, and the year saw the integration of Zorbit’s manufacturer and supplier partnerships into Maesa’s business.

Over the 15 month period from the creation of the division to the end of 2009, the sales of the European packaging division grew by 93 per cent, Maesa said at the press conference.

During 2009, the company also merged its promotional business with the packaging division which it explained will create significant synergies, as many of the end clients are the same, as well as creating a stronger sales force.

The sector will be launching a new strategy in 2010 to snag more luxury brands which spokesperson for the company, Nataly Joubert, explained was related to Brigant as head of the division.

“Maesa will be trying to be more present in the eyes of luxury brands, and to communicate it’s know how in the sector,” she said.

“In addition Nathalie Bringat is well versed in the luxury domain and is therefore well placed to lead this kind of campaign,” she added.