Lush gets involved with UK environmental campaign

The co-founder of UK-based cosmetics company Lush says he made a donation to a campaign that contributed to the closure of a major London airport this week.

Mark Constantine said he contributed to the Plane Stupid organisation, a group that campaigns to increase awareness of the negative environmental impact frequent air travel can have.

Speaking at a press conference in the UK, the multi-millionaire confessed that he uses both his own personal money as well as some of the profits from Lush to contribute to charitable organisations and pressure groups.

Plane Stupid caused controversy this week when a number of its active members chained themselves to a makeshift barrier along the airport runway, leading to the temporary closure of the airport and countless flight delays and re-routing.

All in the name of the environment

Airport authorities and Police called the actions irresponsible, but, although the campaigners apologised for the disruptions their actions caused, they said that it was vital to bring about awareness of the environmental impact of air travel.

Constantine now says he will make further contributions to the organisation in an effort to help pay towards the legal costs of the 56 members of the organisation that were arrested following the protest at Stansted.

“I do find it a bit odd that environmental protestors can be suddenly treated as terrorists,” said Constantine. “Surely, it is a good thing that they are encouraging everybody to think about the environment.”

Building on a history of activism

In March of this year Lush launched a campaign in conjunction with human rights charity Reprieve to highlight alleged human rights violations at the Guantanamo Bay US prison.

In order to publicise the cause Lush released a bath ball coloured orange as a reference to the inmates' infamous orange overalls.

The company is known for its activism in a number of other areas, having criticised the EU for being too slow to ban animal testing and regularly making a stand against the unnecessary use of packaging in the cosmetics industry.