Masterclass focuses on natural cosmetic standards

In answer to the rash of new standards aimed at clarifying natural and organic cosmetic standards, Organic Monitor is organising a Natural Cosmetics Masterclass.

Described as the first ever class of its kind, the main objective of the workshop will be to consider the implications of the new cosmetics standards for manufacturers, formulators and ingredients companies.

Held in London on December 4, the event will include two interactive workshops for small groups – the first will review and analyse the major natural and organic cosmetic standards currently on offer, while the second will consider the challenges that the standards present to formulators.

Looking at the new standards

Entitled Criticial Review of Natural and Organic Cosmetic Standards, the first workshop will consider, NaTrue, the new harmonised European natural and organic standards, as well as looking at North American standards such as NSF, Oasis and NPA.

However, of particular interest for this first workshop will be the new harmonised European standards, which will be publicly announced during the course of this month.

The workshop will explain about the evolution of the new harmonised standards and how it will affect natural and organic personal care players in Europe once the final draft for the standard is launched in April of next year.

Explaining formulation changes

As many manufacturers of already certified products are expecting to have to change their formulations to meet the new requirements, the workshop will explain the practicalities surrounding these measures, including sourcing of raw materials, formulations and changes to processing.

The second workshop will focus on the challenges that the new organic standards are presenting formulators, cluing in on key technical issues, including the definition of organic and natural ingredients, synthetic materials that are outlawed, as well as natural alternatives that can be used.

The event will be chaired by Ms. Judi Beerling, technical consulting manager for Organic Monitor, while more specific details, as well as registration requirements can be found at the organisation’s website,